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Donations – Education Textbooks & Supplies

There are about 625,000 Students in Gaza, and they our help! You can help us fill classrooms with much needed supplies, and you can select which supplies you would like to sponsor 
Click Here To Donate or Sponsor

We Urgently Need To Raise $20,000,000

You can make a general donation or select which supplies you would like to sponsor! 

Needed Educational Supplies

Pencils – 200,000 needed  $0.07 cents each

Paper – 20,000 Reams needed  $10 per ream

Pens – 100,000 are needed. they are $0.12 cents each

White Boards – 50,000 sets  needed. They are 6 for  $22

Dry Erase – 50,000 are needed. They are 12 in a set and each set is $10

Computers  50,000 are needed. They cost $325 each

Internet Signal –  Every School and Student needs access. Estimated access is $3 per day

Erasers – 75,000 are needed. They are $0.16 each

Text Book Sponsorships

Lesson Plans – Ask about our sponsorships!

Science Books

  •   Elementary           $57 each 
  •   Middle School      $66 each 
  •    High School        $79 each 

Math Books

  •   Elementary            $63 each
  •   Middle School       $78 each
  •    High School         $89 each

Reading Books

  •      Elementary                 $43 each 
  •      Middle School            $79 each
  •       High School               $68 each